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The Biggest Week in American Birding

May 3, 2024 May 12, 2024

The Biggest Week in American Birding is a 10-day festival in northwest Ohio, “The Warbler Capital of the World!” Immerse yourself in spring songbird migration and experience some of the best birding North America has to offer. The festival has something to offer beginner and seasoned birders alike, with bird identification workshops, guided birding trips, birding by canoe, daily walks at the world famous Magee Marsh, American Woodcock field trips, keynote presentations, a Birder’s Marketplace, Optics Alley, Bird Tattoo Contest, Birder Prom, Bird Trivia Night, evening socials with free food and music, and MUCH more!

Premier Registration will open Wednesday, February 14, at 12 p.m. ET.
Premier registrants are given the first opportunity to register a full two days before general registration opens.

General Registration will open Friday, February 16, at 12 p.m. ET.

We are looking for volunteers to help be room monitors, registration desk hosts, and more! If interested, or you are looking for more information about the festival in general, please visit the Biggest Week website.


Black Swamp Bird Observatory



Maumee Bay Lodge and Conference Center

1750 State Park Road #2
Oregon, OH 43616 United States
Get Directions from Google Maps
View Venue Website
The Cornell Lab

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